Curious Traveler 123movies Full Tv Stream

Watch Curious Traveler

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Genre: History, Travel
Countries: United States,
Release Date: April 3, 2015
Year: 2015
Runtime:30 min
IMDb Rating:

Journalist Christine van Blokland takes you to the most intriguing places in the world, to explore the mysteries of each destination's art, architecture and hidden histories. Each episode begins with a list of Curious Questions that will be answered in the episode, such as: Why are there so many French chateaux in the Loire Valley? Is Rome's Pantheon really an ancient sun dial? Why do Viking ships look different than Venetian gondolas? And why is there a floating church off the coast of Montenegro?


Curious Traveler Seasons/Episodes

► Season 1 - Click for episodes

► Season 2 - Click for episodes

► Season 3 - Click for episodes

► Season 4 - Click for episodes

► Season 5 - Click for episodes