The Confessions of Bernhard Goetz 123movies Full Movie Stream

Watch The Confessions of Bernhard Goetz

4.40/5 - (10 Votes)
Countries: USA,
Release Date: November 10, 1987
Year: 1987
Runtime:78 mins
IMDb Rating:

On December 22, 1984, 36-year-old electronics engineer Bernhard Goetz shot four black youths aboard a New York City subway after the young men attempted to rob him. As a result of his actions, Goetz soon became known as the "Subway Vigilante." is the complete videotaped confession of his role in the incident. Later, a jury acquitted Goetz of the shootings, which left one youth paralyzed for life. He was convicted on one felony and two misdemeanor charges for illegal possession of firearms. The film provides insight into Goetz's perspective and actions, which led to the high-profile trial that stirred heated controversy and discussion over the role of vigilantism in modern times.

Chuck Stevens     , George Fletcher     , Bernard Goetz     , Roy Innis