Nie ma mocnych 123movies Full Movie Stream

Watch Nie ma mocnych

4.50/5 - (14 Votes)
Genre: Comedy
Countries: Poland,
Release Date: May 28, 1974
Year: 1974
Runtime:89 mins
IMDb Rating:

The main characters are the same two quarreling pesant families introduced in "Sami swoi" (Our Folks). The action of the film starts 18 years later. The old quarrels have been forgotten, but new problems keep popping up. They have no successors to inherit the farms. They invent a tricky and clever plan. The young granddaughter is to take over both of the farms after her marriage. Both Kargul and Pawlak have no rest until they carry out the plan. In the end, after numerous adventures and obstacles their cunning intrigue is fulfilled - the young marry and the land remains in the family's hands.