Earthshaker 123movies Full Movie Stream

Watch Earthshaker

3.12/5 - (17 Votes)
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Release Date: June 29, 2005
Year: 2005

In 1979, two hikers in the Ojito Wilderness Area northwest of of Albuquerque made a colossal find. Surrounded by pinon pines and ancient petroglyphs, four huge, largely intact fossilized dinosaur tailbones were discovered partially exposed in a sandstone ledge. The size of the bones created enormous excitement and had a significant impact on our understanding of dinosaurs - at 120 feet, the Seismosaurus, later dubbed Sam, was perhaps the longestd dinosaur ever discovered! For the next 25 years the mystery of Seismosaurus unraveled. In 2005 Sam made his public debut at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History. In addition, the use of new technology from the Los Alamos National Laboratories vaulted palenontology out of the dark ages by pioneering new techniques to find and analyze dinosaur bones.