Stations of the Elevated 123movies Full Movie Stream

Watch Stations of the Elevated

3.86/5 - (7 Votes)
Countries: USA,
Release Date: October 08, 1981
Year: 1981
Runtime:26 mins
IMDb Rating:

STA�TIONS OF THE EL�E�VAT�ED (1979) is an as�ton�ish�ing�ly beau�ti�ful film about graf�fi�ti-​cov�ered trains hurtling through a strange ur�ban land�scape of a de�cay�ing civ�i�liza�tion. The mu�sic of Charles Min�gus coun�ter�points the re�cur�ring vi�su�al riffs of the ten�sion-​filled im�agery. "A beau�ti�ful�ly pho�tographed study... (Min�gus') mu�sic is com�posed like a se�ries of city still-​lifes. Cer�tain im�ages linger: the bat�tered train read�ing 'Heav�en is Life, Earth is Hell,' rum�bling through the South Bronx, or a smil�ing bill�board face frag�ment�ed by the shad�owy struc�ture of the Brook�lyn Bridge."