Cult Girls 123movies Full Movie Stream

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Watch Cult Girls

2.75/5 - (4 Votes)
Genre: Horror
Countries: Australia,
Release Date: October 11, 2019
Year: 2019
IMDb Rating:

Dalia and her two young sisters grow up in a pagan apocalyptic cult led by an ancient Baltic goddess of death and reincarnation. On the night of an important cult ritual, a police raid rescues Dalia as cult members flee with her two sisters. Years later, as the guilt eats away at her, Dalia finds a potential link to the cult through a prominent and despised black metal artist sequestered in the woods. Dalia journeys to find her sisters but her quest for the truth becomes a descent into Hell.

Saara Lamberg     , Jane Badler     , Dean Kirkright     , Brendan Bacon     , Albert Goikhman     , Jess Agar-Walton     , Simay Argento     , Sue Argento     , Saimonas Aukstuolis     , May Ayres     , Ava Bakaitis     , Milla Bakaitis     , Regina Bakaitis     , Saul Bakaitis     , Keri Baker